
​Key to pharmaceutical manufacturing​

Flowability for pharmaceutical manufacturing

Flowability is a critical property of pharmaceutical powders. The flowability influences their behavior during manufacturing processes like tablet compression, capsule filling, granulation and blending. Poor flowability can lead to inconsistent dosing, equipment blockages, sticking of the powder to the walls of tubes and containers – causing reduced production efficiency. 

The measurement of flow rate is essential to optimize manufacturing conditions, minimize waste and maintain consistent product quality.

At Particle Analytical, we use the Copley scientific flowability tester – BEP. The tester provides reliable and repeatable flow rate data.
This system ensures compliance with Ph. Eur. 2.9.16, allowing for precise analysis to support formulation development and quality control.

How Particle Analytical can assist with Flowability

  • Flow Rate Measurement
    Accurately measures the flow rate of pharmaceutical powders, essential for optimizing manufacturing processes such as granulation, tablet compression and capsule filling.
  • Formulation Optimization
    Provides insights into the flowability of powders, helping to ensure smooth production and prevent issues such as clogging, inconsistent dosing, sticking to tubing walls, etc.
  • Quality Control Support
    Ensures consistent flow properties across batches, maintaining production process robustness, quality and efficiency in manufacturing.
  • Process Monitoring
    Helps monitor and control powder flow behavior during manufacturing, reducing the risk of production delays or quality issues.