Zeta Potential

Key to stability analysis​

Zeta Potential

Zeta potential is a key indicator of the stability of colloidal systems – it provides insights into the surface charge of particles in suspension. A higher zeta potential, either positive or negative, indicates stronger repulsion between particles, reducing the likelihood of aggregation. In contrast, a low zeta potential suggests particles are more likely to clump together, leading to instability. This measurement is crucial for understanding particle interactions, aggregation, and dispersion stability in pharmaceutical formulations.

At Particle Analytical, we measure zeta potential using the Malvern Zetasizer Ultra ensuring compliance with USP 1430.3. This analysis is essential for optimizing formulation stability, particularly in nanoparticle suspensions, emulsions, and colloidal systems.  Zeta Potential Analysis helps to ensure consistent product performance.

How Particle Analytical can assist with Zeta Potential

  • Stability Assessment
    Provides crucial data on the surface charge of particles, helping to predict stability and reveal aggregation in suspensions.
  • Formulation Development
    Supports the design of stable colloidal and nanoparticle formulations to optimize surface charge and particle interactions.
  • Quality Control
    Ensures that the zeta potential of pharmaceutical products remains consistent across batches, supporting product stability and compliance.
  • Regulatory Compliance
    Zeta potential analysis is performed according to USP 1430.3, ensuring that your products meet industry standards for stability and quality.